Dog Boarding 101
Dog daycare is gaining in popularity for two primary reasons.
1) Daycare affords energetic dogs with the opportunity to expend energy in a healthy manner which usually makes for a tired and happy pup at the end of the day.
2) Dogs learn “doggie manners” by interacting in a group. This is especially important for young dogs as they learn they can’t simply run up and jump on top of any dog they see.
Do we bring our dog's own food or is it supplied?
It is important that your dog's diet remains consistent while away from home. Our normal feeding schedule includes dining once in the morning and once in the evening. We ask you to pack your dog's food individually. For each meal, please portion food into sealable zip lock plastic food bags for AM and PM or any other meal required. (ex: a 7 day stay would require you to pack 14 separate meals allowing for AM and PM feedings).
What happens if my dog gets sick or injured while staying at the Coastal Paws pet lodge?
Our first step is to contact you and your veterinarian. In addition, your assigned emergency contact in the event that you cannot be reached. Charges incurred for veterinary services required while in the care of Coastal Paws Pet Lodge are the responsibility of the pet owner.
What if I need to cancel my reservation?
At Coastal Paws we understand uncontrollable circumstances arise and the need to cancel an existing reservation may be required. All Coastal Paws requests in return is that any necessary cancellation be made at least 48 hours in advance. If guests are not checked in by close of business on the first day of reservation, the entire reservation will be forfeited and accommodations made available for rebooking to other guests. Please note, reservation deposits are non-refundable, but may be applied to future stays or any of the other services offered within the facility.
Are there any dogs that cannot come to Coastal Paws?
Coastal Paws cannot accept any dogs who have had training that includes protection, attack, or Schutzhund. Coastal Paws cannot accept any dogs who have been diagnosed with a communicable disease and have not been cleared by their vet for interaction with other dogs.